- The Wedding Procession of the Rag Doll and the Broom Handle and Who Was in It
- How the Hat Ashes Shovel Helped Snoo Foo
- Three Boys With Jugs of Molasses and Secret Ambitions
- How Bimbo the Snip’s Thumb Stuck to His Nose When the Wind Changed
The Rag Doll
The Broom Handle
Spoon Lickers
Chocolate Chins
Dirty Bibs
Tin Pan Bangers
Clean Ears
Easy Ticklers
Musical Soup Eaters
Chubby Chubs
Sleepy Heads
Snoo Foo
Blink, Swink and Jink
Blunk, Swunk and Junk
Missus Sniggers
Eeta Peeca Pie
Meeny Miney
Miney Mo
A Potato Bug Millionaire
Bimbo the Snip
Bevo the Hike
A Ward Alderman
A Barn Boss
A Weather Man
A Traffic Policeman
A Monkey
A Widow Woman
An Umbrella Handle Maker
The Story of Rags Habakuk,… <<< | >>>The Wedding Procession of the Rag Doll…